
上山 タイス ミキ・出川拓也

About working style and working environment for young employees

  • Sales
  • Miki Tice UEYAMA
  • Sales
  • Takuya DEGAWA
Please tell us your name, enrolled department, and title.
Ueyama: My name is Ueyama from the sales section of the sales department. I've been with the company for four years and currently working as an assistant in the sales setion.
Dekawa: My name is Degawa from the sales department. It has been 5 years with this company.
Takuya DEGAWA, Sales Section, Sales Department
I would like to hear the events that let you to join the company and the story until now.
Dekawa: I am a mid-career joined this company . When you think of a sales department, you may have a strong impression of athleticism and vigor, but I myself like to shine shoes, sharpen knives, and games and puzzles, so I don't think I have a personality so-called a "salesperson” in general. Therefore, I have been trying to keep in mind to have a sales style which makes proposals with listening to the customer's needs intently.
Ueyama: I am a foreign resident in Japan and purely Japanese-Brazilian. I was a musician in the first place, so I had no experience in this industry and started with no knowledge. Even so, I am grateful for the opportunity to challenge myself. I am hoping, as an assistant now, to grow by making teamwork together with the sales section.
Miki Tice UEYAMA, Sales Section, Sales Department
Degawa: I originally wanted to join the company to work in the factory, but when I realize, I found myself spending more time in the sales department.
Ueyama: I was in the logistics section first, and then moved to the sales department after the corporate strategy section.
So you both are mid-carriers. Are there people with various ages and working experience in the company too? I'd like to ask about a culture of openness of the company and the atmosphere among employees.
Degawa: Most of the younger employees are mid-careers. My impression is that we have a diverse group of personalities from different places. We have a team of five people in the sales department, and I think the most appealing thing of our department is that it has a culture of openess in a good sense, regardless of age or positions.
Ueyama: It's very cheerful and I feel an atmosphere like a family.
Degawa: That's true.
上山 タイス ミキ・出川拓也
Please tell us about your job description and what motivates you in your work.
Ueyama: Since I had no experience in this industry, I had never even seen a product drawing before. However, I think it is very important to know about the company's products in order to comply with the needs of customers, so I keep studying. The more I learn, the more gradually having fun because the industry is interesting and amusing.
Degawa: The sales department is built as a team where each person faces the customer and also builds a relationship with them. We mainly work with existing customers, but it makes us happy to see the trust and relationships deepen by sincerely facing to their concerns and proposing what we can do for them.
Ueyama: I am mainly doing assistant tasks with the sales team. I feel rewarding when I am able to watch the movements of the sales staff and act according to circumstances.
上山 タイス ミキ・出川拓也
The vice president says, "We want to make this company that makes young people want to join,” but how do you think this company has such an environment?
Degawa: In a good way, there are some gaps and confusion I feel, but it is very easy for me to follow up and discuss ideas for improvement even in such situations. In fact, I feel that the company culture is such that the various opinions expressed by mid-career employees are actively incorporated.
Ueyama: I feel that the work environment has not many restrictions, very flexible to work, and also very easy to express our opinions.
Degawa: However, I think there are sometimes when I feel that a certain number of rules are necessary, so in those cases, we are gradually creating a system while seeking for various ways to improve the current situation. I hope we could create a more efficient environment while striking a balance between comfrtability of working and creating the system.
Ueyama: I hope that our company will be more sustainable by makeing overtime hours reduced and the work-life balance of each employee better, by accerelating the company being more DX'd.
上山 タイス ミキ・出川拓也